Wednesday, 19 February 2014

Jemaah Islamiyah - ORIGIN

Jemaah Islamiyah -which means "Islamic Congregation" in Arabic- is a Southeast-Asian militant Islamist terrorist organisation. Commonly abbreviated as JI, it was formally founded by Abu Bakar Bashir & Abdullah Sungkar. { home base: Indonesia }

{ the Jemaah Islamiyah flag/logo }

LEADERS: Abu Bakar Bashir & Abdullah Sungkar:

Both men were imprisoned by the New Order imprisonment of Indonesian President Suharto as they were perceived to undermine the government's control over the Indonesian population. They both soent several years in prison.

After their release from prison, they moved to Malaysia { year 1982 }. They recruited people from Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore and the Philippines. The group officially named itself Jemaah Islamiyah around that time period.

After the fall of the Suharto regime in 1998, both men returned to Indonesia where JI gained a terrorist edge when Abdullah Sungkar established contact with Osama Bin Laden's al-Qaeda network.


{ Abu Bakar Bashir }

{ Abdullah Sungkar }

{ Jemaah Islamiyah Recruitment methods & threat of terrorism }

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